Conference date: May or June 2025
Deadline for submissions: May 1, 2024
Send submissions to
Each year, the Canadian Association for Translation Studies (ACT-CATS) invites its members to organize an annual conference as part of the Congress of the Federation of the Humanities and Social Sciences, a major academic event in Canada that has been bringing together scholarly associations and their partners for nearly a century and is hosted each year by a different Canadian university. The dates and location of the 2025 Congress will be announced in June 2024.
We invite those interested in organizing the 2025 ACT-CATS Conference to send their proposals by May 1, 2024, to Each proposal should include a title, a 300-word summary of the suggested theme, and a 150-word biography of each of the organizers, written in either English or French.
To be considered, proposals must be submitted by at least one ACT-CATS member eligible to submit grant applications to Canadian funding agencies (i.e., affiliated with a Canadian university and a permanent resident of Canada). We encourage partnerships between faculty and students.
ACT-CATS provides a platform within the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences and is responsible for communicating with its members and the scientific community regarding the event. The chair of the program committee acts as a liaison with the Executive Council, takes care of selecting open papers unrelated to the conference theme along with the other members of the program committee, and organizes the annual Judith Woodsworth Lecture. The conference organizers are responsible for securing the necessary funding, organizing the conference prior to the event and managing the event on site, selecting the thematic paper proposals, and applying for grants. Each year, a thematic issue of the bilingual journal TTR: Traduction, Terminologie, Rédaction is devoted to articles adapted from conference presentations