Young Researchers (archive)
All researchers know how difficult it can be to write a first publication, and that reviews of first submissions may not give the kind of detailed, constructive feedback young researchers would like to have to help them improve their work and increase their chances of having future submissions accepted.
The CATS Young Researchers committee aims to help CATS members in M.A. or PhD programs overcome these challenges by giving them an opportunity to prepare their early independent publications in Translation Studies, to receive feedback and concrete, constructive suggestions from professors who specialize in the field to help in improving their work, and to have accepted, revised papers published online on the CATS site.
Di Biase, Adriana (Kent State University)
The Importance of William Weaver as the Agent for Italy’s Cultural and Literary Acclaim (.pdf)
Appia, Kouadio Diaoussie (Indiana State University)
Translation within Communicative Language Teaching (.pdf)
Girard, Marie-Hélène (Université de Genève)
Traduction et mise en œuvre du Statut de Rome au Canada (.pdf)
Hillinger, Alexandra (Université Concordia)
Pourquoi retraduire Champlain en 2010? (.pdf)
Lehoux-Jobin, Etienne (Université Laval)
La terminologie japonais-français (.pdf)
Savona, Alessandra (Università degli Studi di Palermo)
Looking Through the Glass: An Overview of Literary Translation Theory in Italy (.pdf)
St-Pierre, Carine (Université d’Ottawa)
Confidences d’une nouvelle traductrice professionnelle (.pdf)
Varga, Michael (Université d’Ottawa)
Boyd, Martin (Glendon College, York University)
“Turning the Telescope the Other Way Round”: A Reflexive Case Study (.pdf)
Colón Rodríguez, Raúl Ernesto (Université d’Ottawa)
Bogic, Anna (University of Ottawa)
Anthony Burgess in French Translation: Still “as Queer as a Clockwork Orange” (.pdf)
Florentin, Valérie (Université Laval)
Giannossa, Leonardo (Kent State University)
A Paratextual analysis of I Promessi Sposi (.pdf) *
Jaka, Aiora (Université du Pays basque)
Keighan, Anne-Marie (Collège universitaire Glendon, Université York)
Mitchell, Christine (McGill University)
Unweaving Weaver from Contemporary Critiques of Machine Translation
Rodríguez-Castro, Mónica (Kent State University)
The Power of the Red Pencil during Franco’s Regime: Censorship and discourse of drama (.pdf) *
Suchet, Myriam (Université Concordia – Montréal; Université Lille 3 – France)
Traduire Juan sin Tierra : une histoire d’ethos (.pdf) *
* Article basé sur une communication donné à l’Odyssée de la traductologie, Université Concordia, 27 mars 2009.
Castro, Nayelli (Université d’Ottawa)
Jacques Derrida traduit: entre la philosophie et la littérature (.pdf)
Cox, Amanda Leigh (Concordia University)
Tàin Bo Cuailgne in Translation: A Nationalist Tool in pre-Republic Ireland (.pdf)
Jürges, Christina (Concordia University)
Tyulenev, Sergey (University of Ottawa)